08 Mar

Today I release Flying Martian and Banshee class frigates which form a small mercenary squadron for Stars and Steel with some unique special rules. My friend Ignacy told me a few years ago that I'm not very subtle when I'm using the inspirations and it seems that he was completly right :P

These are quite special miniatures for me. They were made for Boardmania meeting in my home city Lublin, where the idea of starting the wargaming club was born. Unfortunately no wargaming club survived the turbulences in last three years. After just 6 weeks I'm very proud to launch "Lubelski Klub Gier Bitewnych APS" (Lublin Wargaming Club APS) founded and menaged by Assault Publishing Studio Common Association and the first meeting is tommorow at 4 PM local time. Now when tipping our games and files you are not only helping futher game development, but also support local club and community!

Visit our Wargame Vault page to get Stars and Steel ruleset and as many spaceship models as you desire!


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