Blog [MKG] - 2640 possibilities
  •  02.12.2018 12:00

During Soviet-Afganwar, Marat Tischenko, head of the Mil design bureau visited Afghanistan to see what the troops thought of his helicopters, and gunship crews demonstrated maneuvers, such as barrel rolls, which design engineers considered impossible. Marat Tischenko commented: "I thought I knew what my helicopters could do, now I'm not so sure!". If you feel confused now, sorry - but this post will NOT be about Hind Commander.

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Blog [MKG] - From Sweden with Love!
  •  05.11.2018 00:00

So, as you probably guess, we decided to start blogging. Designing the rulesets is fine, but it's not everything in the hobby - it's just a part of big adventure! Today it's my turn. :) Two weeks ago we (me and Marcin from Green Miniatures) visited our friends in Sweden, there we participated in the First International PMC 2640 Tournament which took place in Jönköping, Sweden.

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