Blog [CS] – Wine, Killing and Song
  •  14.12.2018 12:00

This week has been mostly quiet here at the Assault bunker. Earlier in the week I managed to get in my first (half) game of Carnevale. A group of us got in on this at the Kickstarter, and my contribution was the rulebook, and a starter Doctors faction. For this first game, I borrowed another Doctors force to give the first few turns of the game a play through and get the hang of the overall mechanics. In general, it seems a fun and very dynamic game.

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Blog [CS] - Dark Portents
  •  07.12.2018 00:00

Greetings. This week, I wanted to use this blog to go into a few of my motivations for my current project, partly kicked off by Marcin's previous blog post regarding PMC 2640. I have always been more of a science fiction gamer, but historical and fantasy games have not been ignored. However I always felt that fantasy games had a different emphasis to what I was looking for, and that's mostly where my decision to write Dark Portents came from.

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Blog [MKG] - 2640 possibilities
  •  02.12.2018 12:00

During Soviet-Afganwar, Marat Tischenko, head of the Mil design bureau visited Afghanistan to see what the troops thought of his helicopters, and gunship crews demonstrated maneuvers, such as barrel rolls, which design engineers considered impossible. Marat Tischenko commented: "I thought I knew what my helicopters could do, now I'm not so sure!". If you feel confused now, sorry - but this post will NOT be about Hind Commander.

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Blog [CS] - Plastic Revolution
  •  30.11.2018 00:00

I am old. No, really. I still have my original copy of Games Workshops Rogue Trader, and both of the excellent Slaves to Darkness and Lost and the Damned hardcover books. One of my first 'games' was a play by mail called Phantasmech - a 'mech in a maze' game where every few weeks you would receive a description of events and you would then write down five orders and mail it back with a fee, and wait for the process to be repeated. I don't say this to score points. My point is, when I started in wargaming, the internet was very different.

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Blog [CS] - Kill Time
  •  23.11.2018 00:00

Greetings, and welcome to a new blog. A relatively short post this week. I had the pleasure of playing my first proper game of Kill Team yesterday, where my 'on loan' Deathwatch Marines went up against a force of Tau, outnumbering me two-to-one. The game started nervously for me, being out gunned and having to cover a lot of open space to get into combat, but I found that playing aggressively and relying on the Marine ability to either absorb hits with their armour or shrug off flesh wounds got them there in one piece, and when they did get into range, the fun began. It was all over after four turns as my power swords made short work of the Tau armour, and my heavy weapons and good BS started leveling the field.

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Blog [CS] - Of Dice and Then.....?
  •  16.11.2018 12:00

Well, a week goes by very fast if you dont stop and take notice. This week, I want to split this blog into two parts. So, part one... Last weekend, 11th November, I had the pleasure of attending the only (?) wargame convention here in Singapore. Singapore Open Gaming, or SOG Con, is run annually and is an outlet for people who enjoy all types of tabletop games, from miniature wargames to board games to card games. While Singapore is a very small place, and the event itself is reasonably 'compact' (it takes place in a local town hall) the fact that its the only one in Singapore and one of the very few in the SE Asian area means that it is well respected. This year we had a few of the guys from Yu-Gi-Oh in attendance, as well as few pre-release games from local designers. I am personally frustrated that I didnt manage to get a demo game in of Wimble Doom, as fantasy creature tennis is something that I am going to need to experience to fully comprehend.

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Blog [CS] - Introduction
  •  09.11.2018 12:00

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Blog [MKG] - From Sweden with Love!
  •  05.11.2018 00:00

So, as you probably guess, we decided to start blogging. Designing the rulesets is fine, but it's not everything in the hobby - it's just a part of big adventure! Today it's my turn. :) Two weeks ago we (me and Marcin from Green Miniatures) visited our friends in Sweden, there we participated in the First International PMC 2640 Tournament which took place in Jönköping, Sweden.

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We are back!
  •  11.07.2018 12:00

Few creatures in the Solar system are more stubborn than wargame designers. When something goes wrong, get up, shake off the dust, raise the flag, rally your friends, and try again! Assault Publishing was closed two months ago, but I decided to continue designing rules non-commercially.

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