I have two good new today! The first is that taday I have a birthday and I launched some sale action for my printed rulebooks in Assault Publishing Store. Until the end of the month you can buy them 20-25% cheaper than normally. Still I have a couple of the high-quality, full-colour, printed copies of PMC 2670 left. Just go to the store below and grab them. :) The next good news is that I work on PMC 2670 supplement called "The Highest Bid".
Read MoreToday the PMC 2670 rules was updated. You can downloaded the new version on our Wargame Vault.
Read MoreAs previosly informed the rebelled colony militia gained control of main generator building, which is crucial for smooth terraforming process. Unfortunately, due to local low-level menagment imcompetence, after a few days of siege the overground part of the million-worth complex was completly ruined and still under rebel control.
Read MoreI have prepared a small batch of high-quality, full-colour printed PMC 2670 rulebook which can be bought on official page of Assault Publishing Studio!
Read MoreI've just uploaded alternative, printer-friendly version of PMC 2670 to APS Wargame Vault section. It is optimized for budget inkjet or laser printers.
Read MoreI would like to inform that organisational form of Assault Publishing Studio has been changed. The common association was disbanded and I will continue running APS as self-publisher.
Read MoreI've just made a little errata / clarification for PMC 2670. I'm very happy that after nearly two years there were found only tiny details which require minor corrections. The detailed list is in this article.
Read MoreYesterday at night I released minor update od Stars and Steel. Version 1.31 corrects a single typo and rebalance (tune down) orbital defences.
Read MoreToday I release Flying Martian and Banshee class frigates which form a small mercenary squadron for Stars and Steel with some unique special rules. My friend Ignacy told me a few years ago that I'm not very subtle when I'm using the inspirations and it seems that he was completly right :P
Read MoreNow it's official! I have started Assault Publishing Studio wargaming club in Lublin - my home city.
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